Saturday, October 30, 2010

So much time has gone by...

It seems like I just posted a blog yesterday, and when I look back on it... its been months and months. Where does the time go? I wish I had more time to sit down and chat... there have been so many exciting things going on.

Justin and I moved! That's an important one. We found this cute little house on Camano Island, so we packed up... and after a lot of stress, sweat and tears... we're there. The kittens love the extra space, WE love the extra space, and the best part is the country setting. It is so quiet out there... so... simple. Things just run smoother. I think we are country folks at heart... we feel like we belong there.

Duck hunting season is upon is. I spend a lot of time by myself this time of year. I COULD go out to the duck blind with Justin and his buddies.. I just choose not to. Its cold. And wet. And I value my weekends to sleep in! Seems like the weekends always go by too fast...

I started a new job about six weeks ago. Its going wonderfully, and I love the people that I work with. Its so nice to be back at a regular office job, I feel like its where I belong-- I KNOW what I'm doing here, and I am confident that I am doing it right. Its such a great feeling to know that you are right where you need to be. Could it get better then that?

Justin and I have been working on wedding stuff.... and we are kind of at the point where I think we are just going to throw in the towel. What we really want is to just get everyone together for a big celebration... so keep your eyes out for details on that. Someday, we will have the big wedding... it just isn't in the cards for us right now. Thanks, economy. ;) I'm a little bit sad about it.. but overall, I'm okay. I know that someday, I will have the wedding of my dreams.. and Justin and I will renew our vows then-- or say them, I guess, seeing as how we never said them to start with. Our relationship is so different in so many ways... but still so perfect for us!

We are working on starting a family. It has been a frustrating process. I never in my life imagined that it could be like this.... As the calendar turns the page here soon, we are coming to the realization that we have been trying for a YEAR. That just seems like such a long time. Big picture, it isn't. But to us.. it feels like an eternity. We have been doing through some tests and stuff, to work on whats keeping us from getting where we want to be... but right now, we could just use lots of prayers. We know it will happen for us.. but I find it harder and harder to keep my head up as the days go on. Its overwhelming to see all of these babies being born-- babies that weren't even though of until months after we started trying. I think it will make our own baby that much more sweet... we just need to get to that point... and be able to keep the faith in the process. <3

Its hard to believe that the holidays are upon us again. Here we are at Halloween... that means Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner. My most favorite times of year! I love spending time with family, and it will be extra sweet this year because we will get to spend Christmas with Justin's brother, and his wife and children. We can't wait to see them, and are counting down the days until they arrive! The holidays also tend to feel a little bittersweet. I think of all of the loved ones that we have lost in the last few years, and it hurts. I miss them all the time, but for some reason, the holidays make me miss them more. I miss the traditions that we used to have... and I hope to carry them on for the family that we have here... and for the future generations of our family.

Well... seems as if my ramblings have gotten long again... so I will call it a day for now. Maybe I will be back to post more often, it feels good to update... but who knows. Somehow, life always has a way of getting in the way.

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