I know this isnt really a "Hayes'" thing but I have to say this.
I am so proud of the way that republicans are holding their "Tea Party" protests. I say keep it up. It is amazing to me how when republicans meet for protest they are a majority peaceful. I am so happy to hear on the news that the two worst things that happened in the last protest in Nevada was a "suspected fist fight" where cops actually saw nothing and a detainment of an individual who was open carrying a pistol which in the state of NV, like WA state is legal. Officers are allowed to detain the individual, but he did nothing wrong. Republicans, way to Legally excersise your rights to freedom of assembly and freedom of speech. Thank you.
It astounds me when a liberal group goes to protest how they show up with masks, anarchy signs and preach peace, but violence is sure to ensue. I cite WTO for an example in Seattle where liberal groups (although some peaceful) mannaged to encite wide spread riots and looting that destroyed a beautiful, liberal city. They destroyed their own city that supports them. My mother came in contact with tear gas trying to get home from work. How is this fair?
So Republicans, game on, and thank you again for making me proud once again to be a Republican. Game on Ladies and Gentlemen, keep the peaceful protests up. Show the other side how we do it, and what America is truely made of.
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